Grilled kalbi tacos with kimchi salsa - one of the best things I've eaten in my life. HK needs a Grill5taco NOW
I'm not sure why it took me so long to plan a trip to Seoul. Considering it's only a 3 hour flight away and Korean food being my for-sure, forever favorite cuisine, it was only a matter of time before I visited the mother land of all that is yummy in this world. And it was exactly as I imagined - skin care galore, cutie shops and seriously good food. There were still a few surprises; everyone speaks fluent put-you-to-shame mandarin, they really love their Americanos and ajumas are weirdly aggressive when it comes to subway seats. I can't believe this trip was only a month ago because I'm totally ready to go again. 5 epic meals a day, the coolest bar in the world and an abundance of facial sheet masks - why not?
LOLOLOL nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss the motherland
damn your pics looks soooogooddddd
love the photography!
bahahah I see you've mastered the Korean camera pose really well. I know it's amazing isn't it? I told myself I will not visit there for another half year but I heard my favourite brand Low Classic opened a freestanding store....
Good thing is that A-land and Innis Free are now in town. Reasons not to leave HK. :P
JELLY BELLY...................................cat
These photos makes me want to go to Seoul on the first flight out!!
I love love this post! The photos are so gorgeous and you captured the city so well. I've never been to Korea (I should've visited while I lived in Japan..) but your post really makes me want to go there. Such a great post! p.s Can I ask you what camera you use? xo akiko
Style Imported
I miss it more and more with each passing moment. Thoughts of Seoul haunt my days and torments me in my sleep. Your photos remind me of the pain of not being there and push me closer to the edge.
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